WHAT do you actually do?
Automate diaries? What does that mean?
This is the way in which I typeset diaries or calendars without making any mistakes and within the shortest possible time: via programming and databases, using Q++Studio. Here you can find more details on what automation is and its advantages.
Do you sell diaries?
No. I typeset my clients' diaries and sometimes also handle their design or edit their content. Then, my clients do sell these diaries, not me. Each year, my work concludes when I send my client the PDF of their products, ready to print.
Do you sell Q++Studio software?
No, I just use it and hold a Q++Studio licence. If you are interested in obtaining a Q++Studio licence, please contact the licensing company, Alter Ego Services.
I don't want to publish a diary; I am just looking for reliable information about public holidays in different countries. Can you help me?
Yes. Here I explain how I can help you.
HOW do you work?
How do you deliver your work? In what format?
First, I provide my client with a provisional proof of the relevant diary or calendar: a PDF that has been thoroughly checked by me.
Once my client approves the PDF proof, I also provide them with the corresponding InDesign or QuarkXPress document, as you prefer and in the version of your choice. Naturally, together with their fonts and images.
How soon can you deliver the first complete revised proof of a diary or calendar?
The first year it can take 2 to 5 days. In the following years, provided there are no major changes in the design, I might be able to deliver it in just one day, if you are in a hurry.
Of course, there may be exceptions to these deadlines depending on the complexity of the work involved. Also, I need longer lead times when I have to do the design myself.
Will you check the PDF before sending it to me?
Of course, and thoroughly, I promise you. You will undoubtedly also send it to your proofreader. My goal is to bore your proofreader to tears because there are no mistakes to find.
Who designs the product?
You or me; I can work both ways. I design some clients' products whereas for others I simply replicate their own designs each year.
There are also combinations of both situations, in cases where clients have their own design but want to hear my suggestions.
Here you can see some examples of products designed totally and partly by me.
Can you provide the public holidays in different countries?
Yes, from any country in the world and with the highest level of reliability you can find, because I am licensed by the only truly reliable source in this area, Q++Studio. You can find more details on this topic here.
In which languages can you create the diary or calendar?
In any languages from Europe, Asia or Africa. You can find more details here.
Can you provide astronomical data such as moon phases or the sunrise and sunset times?
Yes, I can provide all kinds of astronomical data, referenced to anywhere in the world and in the corresponding local time. And you will have the guarantee that the data will be calculated by Q++Studio. You can find more details here.
Can you personalise a diary with images or advertising texts?
Yes. I can ensure that the images and/or texts of your choice are inserted automatically in each page, in a cyclical sequence or fixed on certain days. Here you can see several examples.
Can you do lettering?
I can place your own lettering in your diary: both the digits for the dates as well as the texts of days of the week, months, holidays, events, etc. However, I don't do lettering myself: you will have to provide me with the relevant designs.
What I do is program their automatic insertion to construct the whole diary, just as if they were typographic texts. Here you can see several images of a diary in which almost all the texts have been created using lettering.
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What should I do? What is the next step?
Email me at info@agendasjaviermata.com.
If you are thinking of commissioning next year's product and its design has already been decided, send me the PDF of the last edition, preferably complete, and I will give you a quote for my work.
If you also want me to take care of the design or content editing, please provide me with some details of the idea that you have in mind, so that I can also provide you a quote for that.
What language should I use to communicate with you?
You can use English, French, Spanish, Portuguese or Catalan; whichever of these languages you prefer.
You work for several diary publishing companies. What stops you from passing on information?
Common sense. My work relies on the trust of my clients. If I were indiscreet, I would lose them. When the images I show on this website belong to a client, I have previously sought their permission to do so.